Pokémon International Forums  

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  Pokémon International Forums >

  1. Ano HiTO
    Ano HiTO
    coincidences and whatnot aside.

    Happy Birthday!
  2. Virtual Headache
    Virtual Headache
    happy birthday!
  3. Virtual Headache
    Virtual Headache
    that's sort of what I expected
    I guess I'll stay away from there
  4. Ano HiTO
    Ano HiTO
    You're not missing a whole lot there. While it can be a nice place to discuss anything Pokemon. That is exactly the problem. People discuss ANYTHING Pokemon *coughpokeporncough* Not a very pretty sight.

    But if you can manage to avoid that(and in most cases you won't D: ) you'll be fine
  5. Virtual Headache
    Virtual Headache
    I don't think I've ever been there before
  6. Ano HiTO
    Ano HiTO
    Yeah it is.

    It has it's up's and it's downs(moreso downs than ups)
  7. Virtual Headache
    Virtual Headache
    is /vp/ the Pokémon section?
  8. Ano HiTO
    Ano HiTO
    well, the inactivity certainly didn't help.

    there was only so much I could do especially since I only lurk Serebii(and /vp/) if anything at all, and advertising on /vp/ is not the greatedst of ideas(despite I found my girlfriend on /vp/)
  9. Virtual Headache
    Virtual Headache
    well, it's been quite long
    I thought you stopped coming here because it's too quiet (but it's better at the moment)
  10. Ano HiTO
    Ano HiTO
    Yeah, trying to hang out here as much as I can. :P

    Not doing a very good job of it though

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