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  1. Dil
    Hi Super Mario, do you have an e-mail or other method where we can keep in touch?
  2. Dil
    Yeah, I agree that the mainstream media is full of a lot of propaganda, and they are definitely using COVID-19 to make people obedient out of fear, in my opinion. I also have stopped watching the news on TV for the most part, because it's not informative or useful.

    I don't care much about politics anymore, since I don't believe in the idea of political authority, or the right to rule. I guess this has led me to lose interest in the news from the mainstream media, since they have been talking a lot about politics these past few years haha.

    And wow, I didn't know you are going to serve in the army! I hope you stay safe then. Keep me updated on what happens if you want!
  3. Super Mario
    Super Mario
    Mainstream media simply use COVID-19 (or anything that can ''sell'' for big periods of time, like a week or two weeks for example) nowadays to keep people from keeping up with other more important issues, like wars going on etc. Or in the case such news end up getting mentioned, it's going to be under the ''other news'' bill. It's why I've stopped watching TV and only choose to get informed by select Internet sites I trust and I suggest people do the same. TV news are just filled with propaganda nowadays. So much for the Press's freedom of speech, right?

    I hope war doesn't break out too, as I'm going to serve in the Army the coming year and don't want to end up in a battlefield fighting for my life. But then again, Turkey is at the point of no return, so a war with us isn't a matter of if anymore, but a matter of when. But if a war IS goiing to happen, then the most certain thing is that Erdogan (Turkey's President/Prime Minister) won't be the one to initiate it. He just doesn't have the balls to do it.
  4. Dil
    Well, I hope I can finish the thesis by mid-January at least.
    I see, I wish you luck then!

    Also, thank you for sharing what you know about this topic. It's useful to keep up with global events. The mainstream media in the U.S. has been largely ignoring most stories that don't have to do with Covid-19 or domestic politics.

    I hope war doesn't break out between your country and Turkey any time soon though. War hardly ever leads to any positive outcomes.
  5. Super Mario
    Super Mario
    Well, I hope I can finish the thesis by mid-January at least. That's the goal right now. I'm done with the life of one of the Elders, and now have moved to his prophecies.

    As for the accuracy of the prophecies, well... most still have to occur, but they're nearly there from the looks of things. Unless something happens and they're delayed. Yes, delayed, 'cause God doesn't lie. It's a bit hard to explain, so here's an example: one phophecy from one of those Elders says we Greeks 'll be engaged in war with Turkey, in our current times. Turkey will be no more as a nation, it will be destroyed by its own allies. This was said like, in the last two decades of the 20th century. Now, if you told me this twenty years or so ago, I would laugh. But look how things are now: Turkey's economy is at an extremely low,almost bankrupcy, has had lots of military loses (Syria and Lybiae, to name a few), and we 're dangerously close to war with them, thanks to their actions (Oruc Reis in our waters etc.) Plus, its own allies (namely Germany, a HUGE ally of them) has started expressing discomfort with its behavior. In other words, if Turkey continues like this, it will be gone for sure.
    But still, it's not certain it will happen, something could occur that delays the whole thing. Delayed because these phophecies WILL occur at some point. After all, history tends to repeat itself, right? Do you know how many times Greece has fought Turkey or came really close to that? Even if we manage to avoid a war now, it doesn't mean it's over, it could (and will) happen again in the future. Especially with leaders like Erdogan. But if a war DOES break out, Turkey will be destroyed. A NATO country hitting another in the same organization? Well, things are seemingly headed there, but still, something could happen and the whole thing gets delayed again. If you ask me, this whole thing was probably meant to acutally happen before 2000, but it got delayed to our current years instead.
  6. Dil
    I see, that's interesting! How close are you to finishing it? And how accurate have the prophecies been?
  7. Super Mario
    Super Mario
    My thesis is about two Elders of Mount Athos, one of them is a Saint in Greek Orthodox Church. Their life and times, some of their teachings (its impossible to fit all in one thesis, I would need like 500 pages just for those ) and the possible meaning behind the prophecies they made about my country. (Because you can never say that a phophecy will unfold this way or that way for sure, right? A phophecy eventually unfolds on its own and only when it's done, only then you can make the connections and see what it meant, how it happened. But until then, all we can do is make assumptions based on current info and hints we have.)
  8. Dil
    Nice! Good luck with your thesis. What is it about?
  9. Super Mario
    Super Mario
    Same as always. Inside my house playing games, working on my post-graduate thesis and still waiting for that danged copy of Age of Calamity to come into my mail lol In other words, nothing really of consequence.
  10. Dil
    Thank you so much! Sorry I missed this message, I unfortunately have been inactive these past few months. I'm glad I'm back though, as I'm eager to see how everyone is doing.

    How have you been?

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